Wednesday 15 February 2012

I found this...

I found this scan of a tree drawing from an old sketchbook when clearing out my hard drive, it was originally from the 3rd year composers project but seeing it again was definitely a main inspiration for redesigning the whole aesthetic, stripping it back and making it all more 2D.

Edinburgh International Film Festival

I've spent the last 2 weeks creating a work in progress animatic to send to EIFF submissions for this years festival. The animatic has Dan's most recent sound track, on top of my final backgrounds and key frames that I drew and Kayla Stuhr coloured for me. Working with her has been fantastic and she is going to be an essential part of the process, if I can persuade her into ditching her own work for a few more weeks! It's been manic but really helpful in that I now have the look and timing down to a point where the sound people can do their thing and all I have to do is fill in the blanks with animation. Sounds easy hey! Although there are definitely scenes that still need layout work and some unresolved text problems, I am really pleased with how it came together, here are a few stills.

Now I need to start thinking about Degree Show plans and Dissertation writing!

Thursday 2 February 2012

Beautiful Apps

I have spent the last 4 days working on my dissertation, which is looking at the digitisation of picture books, and I found these most beautiful examples; Bold Creative's adaptation of Oliver Jeffers' Heart and the Bottle, and two original stories from Moonbot studios in Louisiana.